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Join Erik and Tage this week as they unlock bonus questions and discuss the coolest attractions to be walked off, their favorite non-Disney Park, things at Disneyland that have gotten then better or worse with time, and what they would do if they could spend the night at a Disney park. Support the podcast by going to

Question 1 from Episode 31: What was the coolest attraction you have had to walk out of? Which attraction would be your dread to be walked out of?

Question 2 from Episode 44: What is something at Disneyland that you think has gotten worse with time and something that has gotten better with time?

Question 3 from Episode 46: What is your favorite non-Disney park and why?

Question 4 from Episode 51: If you were given the chance to stay overnight in any Disney park after closing hours, which park would you choose and what would you most look forward to doing during your exclusive nighttime adventure?

Bonus: Tage on The Supreme Resort with Eric, Jimmy, and Dan